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Course No: 140723

Fair Value Accounting: Tools and Concepts


  • Credits: 5.0
  • Program level: Basic to Intermediate
  • Prerequisites: Basic Math
  • Advance preparation::

Field of Study: Accounting

Course Description

Fair values are more common in financial reports because fair values have increased in business importance in recent years. Increasingly elaborate financial instruments and risk management practices have created financial statement elements for which historical cost is almost irrelevant, and fair value, and fluctuations in fair value, are extremely relevant.

This course is designed to help you navigate the complexities of fair value measurements. It covers the accounting and financial reporting requirements in ASC 820 Fair Value Measurement and ASC 825-10 Financial Instrument—Fair Value Option as well as insights into how to apply this guidance in practice. For example, it discusses the items for which fair value measurements are required or permitted, includes excerpts from, and references to, ASC 820 and ASC 825-10, and examples. It addresses the key concepts such as applying the fair value framework, identifying common valuation techniques, and determining eligibility for the fair value option.

Learning objectives

  • a:5:{i:0;s:78:"Recognize the concepts of using present values that help determine fair value.";i:1;s:84:"Identify the appropriate circumstances for using fair values in financial reporting.";i:2;s:109:"Recognize common valuation techniques used in determining the fair value of different assets and liabilities.";i:3;s:89:"Recognize how the fair value hierarchy prioritizes the inputs used to measure fair value.";i:4;s:74:"Identify the expanded disclosure requirements for fair value measurements.";}
  • a:5:{i:0;s:78:"Recognize the concepts of using present values that help determine fair value.";i:1;s:84:"Identify the appropriate circumstances for using fair values in financial reporting.";i:2;s:109:"Recognize common valuation techniques used in determining the fair value of different assets and liabilities.";i:3;s:89:"Recognize how the fair value hierarchy prioritizes the inputs used to measure fair value.";i:4;s:74:"Identify the expanded disclosure requirements for fair value measurements.";}
  • a:5:{i:0;s:78:"Recognize the concepts of using present values that help determine fair value.";i:1;s:84:"Identify the appropriate circumstances for using fair values in financial reporting.";i:2;s:109:"Recognize common valuation techniques used in determining the fair value of different assets and liabilities.";i:3;s:89:"Recognize how the fair value hierarchy prioritizes the inputs used to measure fair value.";i:4;s:74:"Identify the expanded disclosure requirements for fair value measurements.";}
  • a:5:{i:0;s:78:"Recognize the concepts of using present values that help determine fair value.";i:1;s:84:"Identify the appropriate circumstances for using fair values in financial reporting.";i:2;s:109:"Recognize common valuation techniques used in determining the fair value of different assets and liabilities.";i:3;s:89:"Recognize how the fair value hierarchy prioritizes the inputs used to measure fair value.";i:4;s:74:"Identify the expanded disclosure requirements for fair value measurements.";}

Course Material: Online Material

Type of delivery method: QAS Self-study

Final examination expiration date:

The program participant will have one year from the date of purchase to complete the course and final examination.

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Web CPE is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit.

Web CPE is registered with the IRS to provide Continuing Education (CE) programs to the Enrolled Agents and other tax return practitioners.

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