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Course No: 745522

Effective Business Communications


  • Credits: 14.0
  • Program level: Overview
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Advance preparation::

Field of Study: Communications and Marketing

Course Description

Good communications, oral or written, is the key to success in business life. The course is intended to assist business people in gaining an understanding of the communication process, writing and organization methods, and oral aspects of communication in business. Effective Business Communications is intended for people in business who have not recently studied business communications as part of their formal education.

Learning objectives

  • a:5:{i:0;s:47:"Identify elements of the communication process.";i:1;s:77:"Identify the influence of behavioral science on management and communication.";i:2;s:41:"Define examples of kinesic communication.";i:3;s:40:"Identify examples of meta-communication.";i:4;s:43:"Recognize examples of effective word usage.";}
  • a:4:{i:0;s:48:"Identify simple, compound and complex sentences.";i:1;s:54:"Differentiate between positive and negative sentences.";i:2;s:53:"Recognize several techniques for emphasizing an idea.";i:3;s:79:"Identify correct and effective use of paragraphs for different written reports.";}
  • a:4:{i:0;s:52:"Identify elements for planning an effective message.";i:1;s:62:"Recognize the different types and usages of business messages.";i:2;s:68:"Recognize the different types of unpleasant business communications.";i:3;s:63:"Identify effective techniques of collection and credit notices.";}
  • a:4:{i:0;s:62:"Identify effective sales and persuasive written communication.";i:1;s:59:"Recognize the convincing evidence for a sales presentation.";i:2;s:63:"Identify effective elements for condolences or sympathy letters";i:3;s:70:"Recognize the components of other unique/special communication pieces.";}
  • a:4:{i:0;s:56:"Recognize the attributes of a person who deserves a job.";i:1;s:60:"Identify the information and content of an effective resume.";i:2;s:43:"Define the basics of good job applications.";i:3;s:72:"Recognize strong components and usage of elements within an application.";}
  • a:14:{i:0;s:41:"Recognize the nature of business reports.";i:1;s:36:"Identify different research methods.";i:2;s:47:"Recognize the logical steps in problem-solving.";i:3;s:55:"Identify the best methods to collect and organize data.";i:4;s:58:"Recognize organization methods to develop a better report.";i:5;s:39:"Recognize the report outlining process.";i:6;s:59:"Define the steps to organize a report in logical sequences.";i:7;s:77:"Identify effective introductions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations.";i:8;s:73:"Recognize the advantages of using tables, charts, and graphs in a report.";i:9;s:74:"Identify the types of charts and graphs used to present quantitative data.";i:10;s:37:"Recognize an objective writing style.";i:11;s:56:"Recognize the proper tense, accurate nouns and pronouns.";i:12;s:52:"Identify the effectiveness of using common language.";i:13;s:46:"Recognize useful devices for good transitions.";}
  • a:9:{i:0;s:58:"Identify the factors that contribute to a finished report.";i:1;s:34:"Recognize objectivity in a report.";i:2;s:55:"Identify the proper use of documentation and footnotes.";i:3;s:57:"Recognize the characteristics of memos and short reports.";i:4;s:61:"Identify the useful application of memos and shorter reports.";i:5;s:48:"Recognize the principles of effective listening.";i:6;s:38:"Identify detrimental listening habits.";i:7;s:44:"Recognize the four types of speaking styles.";i:8;s:55:"Recognize technologies used in business communications.";}

Course Material: Online Material

Type of delivery method: QAS Self-study

Final examination expiration date:

The program participant will have one year from the date of purchase to complete the course and final examination.

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