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Course No: 510721

E-Commerce : Application and Technology


  • Credits: 6.0
  • Program level: Overview
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Advance preparation::

Field of Study: Computer Software & Applications

Course Description

The combination of growth in the commercial utilization of the Internet, the rapid changes in technology, and the complexity of management has expanded the scope of the duties of business managers. This covers all aspects of electronic commerce: the Internet, advertising and marketing, and specific technologies. It also addresses steps to move business online, e-commerce strategies, and the concerns of business managers such as security issues.

Learning objectives

  • a:3:{i:0;s:120:"Determine the advantages and disadvantages associated with sole proprietorships, and specify the formation requirements.";i:1;s:218:"Identify not-for-profit activities particularly as they relate to Schedule C businesses and recall the various requirements permitting such businesses to complete the C-EZ form or request an automatic filing extension.";i:2;s:300:"Recognize the taxes imposed on self-employed persons noting compliance with payment requirements, determine how sole proprietorship assets are characterized on disposition and, identify income splitting and estate planning devices available for such business owners and their impact on entity choice.";}
  • a:5:{i:0;s:73:"Define Web 2.0 and relationship management characteristics of e-commerce.";i:1;s:72:"Recognize how different products do or do not work well with e-commerce.";i:2;s:57:"Identify the technologies used in Intranet and Extranets.";i:3;s:72:"Recognize the benefits and practical applications of using the Intranet.";i:4;s:54:"Recognize different network types used for e-commerce.";}
  • a:6:{i:0;s:69:"Recognize uses advertising and marketing for e-commerce applications.";i:1;s:73:"Identify different types of online advertising used to attract customers.";i:2;s:51:"Identify ways to use technology to track customers.";i:3;s:41:"Recognize popular online payment methods.";i:4;s:60:"Identify the uses an EDI system and understand its benefits.";i:5;s:67:"Recognize factors affecting the flow of data within the EDI system.";}
  • a:5:{i:0;s:58:"Recognize laws that govern electronic commerce activities.";i:1;s:64:"Recognize tax issues surrounding electronic commerce activities.";i:2;s:37:"Recognize domain names and standards.";i:3;s:62:"Identify methods for building an effective e-commerce website.";i:4;s:49:"Recognize success factors for e-commerce website.";}

Course Material: Online Material

Type of delivery method: QAS Self-study

Final examination expiration date:

The program participant will have one year from the date of purchase to complete the course and final examination.

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