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Course No: 426821

Management Handbook


  • Credits: 7.5
  • Program level: Overview
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Advance preparation::

Field of Study: Business Management & Organization

Course Description

This course teaches you the art and science of managing and accomplishing organizational goals and improving the way organizations are managed. Management refers to the process of coordinating and integrating work activities so that they are completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people. Managers of today need to be equipped with all the tools and concepts necessary to perform managerial activities in order to be globally competitive. Topics include functions of managers, strategies, planning, decision making, organization, leadership, motivation, control, total quality management (TQM), the role of technology, international business, and analysis of problems central to management.

Learning objectives

  • a:10:{i:0;s:48:"Recognize different systems used by managements.";i:1;s:79:"Identify traits required by management in the 21st century vs. earlier periods.";i:2;s:56:"Differentiate among the five major managerial functions.";i:3;s:74:"Recognize difference between group and individual decision making process.";i:4;s:53:"Identify the characteristics of effective objectives.";i:5;s:41:"Recognize management by objectives (MBO).";i:6;s:58:"Recognize characteristics of formal vs. informal planning.";i:7;s:72:"Differentiate among the types of analysis used for managerial decisions.";i:8;s:120:"Differentiate between strategic planning versus tactical planning and the different levels of the organization involved.";i:9;s:36:"Recognize the key steps in planning.";}
  • a:10:{i:0;s:65:"Identify and differentiate horizontal and vertical organizations.";i:1;s:89:"Recognize approaches to departmentation and the benefits associated with departmentation.";i:2;s:128:"Differentiate between the use of power and authority to accomplish objectives. Recognize why managers are reluctant to delegate.";i:3;s:45:"Identify benefits of decentralized authority.";i:4;s:45:"Distinguish between line and staff authority.";i:5;s:50:"Differentiate between line and staff organization.";i:6;s:47:"Recognize the concept of a matrix organization.";i:7;s:52:"Identify factors common to all informal work groups.";i:8;s:123:"Identify some organization change and dynamics, and how the change and impact on employees can be influenced by management.";i:9;s:92:"Recognize the components of a good job description and the responsibility of human resource.";}
  • a:5:{i:0;s:126:"Recognize Maslow’s need hierarchy and Herzberg’s two-factor theory, and things that a manager can do to affect motivation.";i:1;s:40:"Identify the elements of good direction.";i:2;s:62:"Recognize different management theories and leadership skills.";i:3;s:53:"Differentiate among different types of communication.";i:4;s:60:"Recognize various methods of employee performance appraisal.";}
  • a:6:{i:0;s:47:"Recognize the concepts associated with control.";i:1;s:54:"Identify different characteristics of quality control.";i:2;s:43:"Recognize different tools used for control.";i:3;s:75:"Identify methods for implementing a Total Quality Management (TQM) program.";i:4;s:78:"Recognize the importance of politics and cultures in international management.";i:5;s:82:"Differentiate between different methods used to help analyze management decisions.";}

Course Material: Online Material

Type of delivery method: QAS Self-study

Final examination expiration date:

The program participant will have one year from the date of purchase to complete the course and final examination.

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