Tax Law Matters is a comprehensive course that provides students with a deep understanding of the fundamental principles of tax law and their application to real-world scenarios. The course covers a wide range of topics, including the history and purpose of the tax system, the different types of taxes, the tax treatment of individuals and businesses, and tax planning and compliance.
Students in Tax Law Matters will learn to identify and analyze tax issues, research and interpret tax laws and regulations, and apply tax laws and regulations to real-world scenarios. They will also develop the skills necessary to develop and implement tax plans and comply with tax filing and reporting requirements.
The course is taught by experienced tax professionals who use a variety of teaching methods, including lectures, case studies, and simulations. Students will have the opportunity to apply what they have learned to real-world problems and to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
S/N | Course No | Course Name | IRS Program | Credit Hours | Cost | Action |
1 | 9210124 | 1040 Workshop 2024 - Part I | YY40T-T-00431-24-S | 16.0 | $90 | |
2 | 9273724 | Basic Marital Tax Matters | YY40T-T-00405-23-S | 2.0 | $25 | |
3 | 9412521 | A Guide to Tax Resolution - Solving IRS Problems | YY40T-T-00316-21-S | 6.0 | $50 | |
4 | 9273024 | Passive Loss and At-Risk Rules | YY40T-T-00389-23-S | 3.0 | $30 | |
5 | 9272724 | Property Dispositions | YY40T-T-00414-24-S | 2.0 | $25 | |
6 | 9273224 | Partnership Taxation (Mini Course) | YY40T-T-00417-24-S | 2.0 | $25 | |
7 | 9275524 | Passthrough Business Deduction | YY40T-T-00428-24-S | 2.0 | $25 | |
8 | 9276024 | Coronavirus Tax Summary | YY40T-T-00419-24-S | 3.0 | $30 | |
9 | 9273524 | Divorce Transfers and Settlements | YY40T-T-00427-24-S | 2.0 | $25 | |
10 | 9271124 | Employee Compensation and Benefits | YY40T-T-00421-24-S | 3.5 | $35 | |
11 | 9270124 | Family Tax Planning | YY40T-T-00420-24-S | 2.0 | $25 | |
12 | 9272124 | Basic Fringe Benefits | YY40T-T-00423-24-S | 4.0 | $40 | |
13 | 9272824 | Installment Sales | YY40T-T-00425-24-S | 2.0 | $25 | |
14 | 9272924 | Interest | YY40T-T-00426-24-S | 2.0 | $25 | |
15 | 9272624 | Medical, Charitable, and Casualty | YY40T-T-00424-24-S | 2.5 | $25 | |
16 | 9273324 | S Corporations | YY40T-T-00393-23-S | 3.0 | $30 | |
17 | 9222124 | Business Taxation | YY40T-T-00406-23-S | 24.0 | $110 | |
18 | 9241024 | Corporate Tax Planning | YY40T-T-00407-23-S | 21.0 | $100 | |
19 | 9210224 | 1040 Workshop 2024 - Part II | YY40T-T-00433-24-S | 12.0 | $80 | |
20 | 9252124 | Complete Guide to Estate & Gift Taxation - Part I | YY40T-T-00429-24-S | 21.0 | $105 | |
21 | 9252224 | Complete Guide to Estate & Gift Taxation - Part II | YY40T-T-00430-24-S | 14.0 | $85 | |
22 | 9213324 | Defensive Divorce | YY40T-T-00410-23-S | 14.0 | $85 | |
23 | 9223124 | Partnership Taxation | YY40T-T-00434-24-S | 13.0 | $85 | |
24 | 9211624 | Passive Losses | YY40T-T-00412-23-S | 10.5 | $70 | |
25 | 9213024 | Travel, Entertainment, & Auto Rules | YY40T-T-00409-23-S | 14.0 | $85 | |
26 | 9240324 | Special Problems in Real Estate Taxation | YY40T-T-00411-23-S | 11.0 | $75 | |
27 | 9270824 | Auto Rules | YY40T-T-00408-23-S | 2.0 | $25 | |
28 | 9270625 | Selected Business Expenses | YY40T-T-00416-24-S | 2.0 | $25 | |
29 | 9270925 | Business Travel and Entertainment | YY40T-T-00395-23-S | 2.0 | $25 | |
30 | 9271225 | Corporate Taxation | YY40T-T-00422-24-S | 2.0 | $25 |
Web CPE is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit.
Web CPE is registered with the IRS to provide Continuing Education (CE) programs to the Enrolled Agents and other tax return practitioners.
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